Software Developer and Entrepreneur Journey

We, at Vikram Shankar Mathur , are very serious about the work we do. Scan the QR code given to learn more about us. The most important thing that needs to be said is this "Our work begins, from where your troubles begin". The concept of #ReverseEngineering is known to practically all, from the community of #programmers and #charteredaccountant 's alike. But not too many truly understand and implement #objectorientedprogramming while delving deep into a problem that requires a solution, urgent or not. If only every programmer would break their program into re-usable objects, this world would really be totally sorted! Be that as it may be, I began my career as the key of a customised #erpsoftware in a pharmaceutical machinery manufacturing organisation, where we broke down the entire organisation's needs into individual units, represented by worksheets, like Cash Payment Voucher, Bank Receipt Voucher, Sales Invoice, Purchase Order, Goods Receipt Note, Material R...